Ario Law Firm has solidified its position within the top 50 rankings of the “Market Leaders” by the Legal Gazette
Restructuring and Insolvency
21 December 2022

Ario Law Firm has ascended in the comprehensive ranking of the top 50 "Market Leaders" as per the Legal Gazette. Furthermore, the publication has commended Ario's team across various domains including "Bankruptcy," "Debt Restructuring," "Criminal Law and Procedure," and "Business Protection".
As per the rankings of the "Market Leaders," Ario Law Firm holds leading positions in the "Bankruptcy" practice, consistently securing a spot in the top 10 among Ukrainian law firms.
"Debt Restructuring"
As usual, Ario Law Firm stands out as one of the leaders in this sphere.
"Criminal Law and Procedure"
Ario Law Firm has ascended one position in the realm of criminal law and procedure, now holding the fourth spot.
"Business Protection"
This year, Ario Law Firm has entered the ranks of leaders in the field of business defense practice.
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